Parameters of the AxoSyslog collector Helm chart

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the AxoSyslog collector chart and their default values. For details on installing the chart, see Install AxoSyslog with Helm.

Parameters for syslog-ng configuration

config.rawA complete syslog-ng configuration. If this parameter is set, all other parameters in the config section are ignored. For details on how to create a configuration for syslog-ng, see the AxoSyslog Core documentation.""
config.versionThe version string specifies the syslog-ng version the configuration corresponds to.""
config.sources.kubernetes.enabledCollect pod logs using the kubernetes() source. If disabled, the chart doesn’t configure any source. For the list of available sources, see the (/docs/axosyslog-core/chapter-sources/)true

The following example uses the config.raw parameter to configure a custom destination:

  raw: |
    @version: 4.5.0
    @include "scl.conf"

    log {
      source {

      destination {


  hostNetworking: true

Network destination

Send logs over the network, conforming to RFC3164 using the network() destination.

ParameterDescriptionDefault IP address of the destination host."" transport protocol to use. Possible values: tcp, udp"" port number to send the messages to."" template to format the messages.""

For example:

      - transport: tcp
        address: localhost
        port: 12345
        template: "$(format-json .*)"

OpenSearch destination

Send logs to OpenSearch over HTTP or HTTPS.

config.destination.opensearch.addressThe IP address of the OpenSearch server.""
config.destination.opensearch.indexName of the OpenSearch index that stores the messages.""
config.destination.opensearch.userThe username to use for authentication on the OpenSearch server, if not authenticating with a certificate.""
config.destination.opensearch.passwordThe password to use for authentication on the OpenSearch server.""
config.destination.opensearch.tls.CAFileThe CA certificate in PEM format to use when verifying the certificate of the server.""
config.destination.opensearch.tls.CADirA directory containing a set of trusted CA certificates in PEM format. The name of the files must be the 32-bit hash of the subject’s name. AxoSyslog collector verifies the certificate of the server using these CA certificates.""
config.destination.opensearch.tls.CertName of a file containing an X.509 certificate or a certificate chain in PEM format. AxoSyslog collector authenticates with this certificate on the server, with the private key set in the config.destination.opensearch.tls.Key field. If the file contains a certificate chain, the file must begin with the certificate of the host, followed by the CA certificate that signed the certificate of the host, and any other signing CAs in order.""
config.destination.opensearch.tls.KeyName of a file containing an unencrypted private key in PEM format. AxoSyslog collector authenticates with this key and the certificate set in the config.destination.opensearch.tls.Cert field.""
config.destination.opensearch.tls.peerVerifyIf true, AxoSyslog collector verifies the certificate of the server with the CA certificates set in config.destination.opensearch.tls.CAFile and config.destination.opensearch.tls.CADir.""
config.destination.opensearch.templateA template to format the messages.""

For example:

      - address:
        index: "test-axoflow-index"
          CAFile: "/path/to/CAFile.pem"
          CADir: "/path/to/CADir/"
          Cert: "/path/to/Cert.pem"
          Key: "/path/to/Key.pem"
          peerVerify: true
          template: "$(format-json .*)"

Generic parameters

image.repositoryThe container image
image.pullPolicyThe container image pull policyIfNotPresent
image.tagThe container image tag4.5.0
image.extraArgsCustom arguments applied as the value of spec.container.args[]
imagePullSecretsThe names of secrets containing private registry credentials[]
nameOverrideOverride the chart name""
fullnameOverrideOverride the full chart name""
daemonset.enabledDeploy AxoSyslog as a DaemonSettrue
daemonset.labelsAdditional labels to apply to the DaemonSet{}
daemonset.annotationsAdditional annotations to apply to the DaemonSet{}
daemonset.affinityPod affinity{}
daemonset.nodeSelectorNode labels for pod assignment{}
daemonset.resourcesResource requests and limits{}
daemonset.tolerationsTolerations for pod assignment[]
daemonset.hostAliasesAdd host aliases[]
daemonset.secretMountsMount additional secrets as volumes[]
daemonset.extraVolumesAdditional volumes to mount[]
daemonset.securityContextSecurity context for the pod{}
daemonset.maxUnavailableThe maximum number of unavailable pods during a rolling update1
daemonset.hostNetworkingWhether to enable host networkingfalse
rbac.createWhether to create RBAC resourcesfalse
rbac.extraRulesAdditional RBAC rules[]
openShift.enabledWhether to deploy on OpenShiftfalse
openShift.securityContextConstraints.createWhether to create SecurityContextConstraints on OpenShifttrue
openShift.securityContextConstraints.annotationsAnnotations to apply to SecurityContextConstraints{}
serviceAccount.createWhether to create a service accountfalse
serviceAccount.annotationsAnnotations to apply to the service account{}
namespaceThe Kubernetes namespace to deploy to""
podAnnotationsAdditional annotations to apply to the pod{}
podSecurityContextSecurity context for the pod{}
securityContextSecurity context for the container{}
resourcesResource requests and limits for the container. If not set, the values of daemonset.resources are used.{}
nodeSelectorNode labels for pod assignment{}
tolerationsTolerations for pod assignment[]
affinityPod affinity{}
updateStrategyUpdate strategy for the DaemonSetRollingUpdate
kubernetes.enabledEnable kubernetes log collectiontrue
kubernetes.prefixSet JSON prefix for logs collected from the k8s cluster""
kubernetes.keyDelimiterSet JSON key delimiter for logs collected from the k8s cluster""
priorityClassNameThe name of the PriorityClass the pod belongs to""
dnsConfigThe DNS configuration of the pod{}
hostAliasesAdditional entries to the pod’s hosts file[]
secretMountsAdditional secrets to mount for the pod. If not set, the values of daemonset.secretMounts are used.[]
extraVolumesAdditional volumes to mount for the pod. If not set, the values of daemonset.extraVolumes are used.[]
terminationGracePeriodSecondsHow many seconds a pod with a failing probe has before shut down30