Message format parsed by panos-parser()
This section illustrates the most commonly used PAN-OS log format on the AxoSyslog side.
For information about customizing log format on the PAN-OS side, see the relevant section of the PAN-OS® Administrator’s Guide.
Message format and log format
Using the panos-parser()
, the parsed messages in AxoSyslog have the following general format:
<PRI><TIMESTAMP> <HOST> <PALO-ALTO-fields-in-CSV-format>
There are several “types” of log formats in Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS. For example, the most commonly used SYSTEM type has the following message format on the AxoSyslog side after parsing:
<12>Apr 14 16:48:54 1,2020/04/14 16:48:54,unknown,SYSTEM,auth,0,2020/04/14 16:48:54,,auth-fail,,0,0,general,medium,failed authentication for user 'admin'. Reason: Invalid username/password. From:,1718,0x0,0,0,0,0,,paloalto
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