Install AxoSyslog

This chapter explains how to install AxoSyslog on various platforms.

Cloud-ready syslog-ng images

AxoSyslog provides cloud-ready images. These images differ from the upstream syslog-ng images, because:

  • They’re based on Alpine Linux, instead of Debian testing for reliability and smaller size (thus smaller attack surface).
  • They incorporate cloud-native features and settings, such as the Kubernetes source.
  • They incorporate container-level optimizations for better performance and improved security. For example, they use an alternative malloc library.
  • They support the ARM architecture.

The AxoSyslog images support the following architectures:

  • amd64
  • arm/v7
  • arm64

Install AxoSyslog

Other installation methods

DEB packages and RPM packages are available for AxoSyslog 4.8 and later versions.

Last modified July 7, 2024: Adds basic docs about apt repo (3e91d25)