Install AxoRouter on Kubernetes

To install AxoRouter on a Kubernetes cluster, complete the following steps. For other platforms, see AxoRouter.


Kubernetes version 1.29 and newer

Minimal resource requirements

  • CPU: at least 100m
  • Memory: 256MB
  • Storage: 8Gi

Network access

The hosts must be able to access the following domains related to the Axoflow Console:

  • <your-tenant-id> HTTPS traffic on TCP port 443, needed to download the binaries for Axoflow software (like Axolet and AxoRouter).
  • kcp.<your-tenant-id> HTTPS (mutual TLS) traffic on TCP port 443 for management traffic.
  • telemetry.<your-tenant-id> HTTPS (mutual TLS) traffic on TCP port 443, where Axolet sends the metrics of the host.
  • HTTPS traffic on TCP port 443, for pulling container images (AxoRouter only).

Install AxoRouter

  1. Open the Axoflow Console.

  2. Select Provisioning.

  3. Select the Host type > AxoRouter > Kubernetes. The one-liner installation command is displayed.

  4. Open a terminal and set your Kubernetes context to the cluster where you want to install AxoRouter.

  5. Run the one-liner, and follow the on-screen instructions.

    Current kubernetes context: minikube
    Server Version: v1.28.3
    Installing to new namespace: axorouter
    Do you want to install AxoRouter now? [Y]
  6. Register the host.

    1. Reload the Provisioning page. There should be a registration request for the new AxoRouter deployment. Select .

      Provisioning AxoRouter - registration request

    2. Select Register to register the host. You can add a description and labels (in label:value format) to the host.

      Provisioning AxoRouter - registration details

    3. Select the Topology page. The new AxoRouter instance is displayed.

Create a flow

  1. If you haven’t already done so, create a new destination.
  2. Create a flow to connect the new AxoRouter to the destination.
    1. Select Flows.

    2. Select Create New Flow.

    3. Enter a name for the flow, for example, my-test-flow.

      Create a flow

    4. In the Router Selector field, enter an expression that matches the router(s) you want to apply the flow. To select a specific router, use a name selector, for example, name = my-axorouter-hostname.

    5. Select the Destination where you want to send your data. If you don’t have any destination configured, see Destinations.

    6. (Optional) To process the data transferred in the flow, select Add New Processing Step. For details, see Processing steps. For example:

      1. Add a Reduce step to automatically remove redundant and empty fields from your data.
      2. To select which messages are processed by the flow, add a Select Messages step, and enter a filter into the Query field. For example, to select only the messages received from Fortinet Fortigate firewalls, use the meta.vendor = fortinet + meta.product = fortigate query.
      3. Save the processing steps.

      Example processing steps

    7. Select Create.

    8. The new flow appears in the Flows list.

      The new flow

Send logs to AxoRouter

By default, AxoRouter accepts data on the following ports:

  • 514 TCP and UDP for RFC3164 (BSD-syslog) formatted traffic.
  • 601 TCP for RFC5424 (IETF-syslog) formatted traffic.
  • 6514 TCP for TLS-encrypted traffic.
  • 4317 TCP for OpenTelemetry log data.

Make sure to enable the ports you’re using on the firewall of your host.