
The Services page of a host shows information about the data collector or router services running on the host.

This page is only available for managed pipeline elements.

The following information is displayed:

  • Name: Name of the service
  • Version: Version number of the service
  • Type: Type of the service (which data collector or processor it’s running)
  • Supervisor: The type of the supervisor process. For example, Splunk Connect for Syslog (sc4s) runs a syslog-ng process under the hood.

Icons and colors indicate the status of the service: running, stopped, or not registered.

Data collector services running on the host

Service configuration

To check the configuration of the service, select Configuration. This shows the list of related environment variables and configuration files. Select a file or environment variable to display its value. For example:

Configuration file of the service

To display other details of the service (for example, the location of the configuration file or the binary), select Details.

Service details

Manage service

To reload a registered service, select Reload.