Discover the flexible deployment modes of Axoflow, and learn how you can streamline SIEM data management, reduce costs by 50%, and improve data quality.
How Host Attribution Empowers Security Teams with Previously Missing Context
Collecting data reliably is one thing—understanding their origin is another challenge. Without reliable host attribution, vital context is lost, leaving security teams blind in critical moments. Axoflow’s built-in inventory solution enriches your security data with critical metadata (like the origin host) so you can pinpoint the exact source of every data entry, enabling precise routing and more informed security decisions.
Telemetry Controller at OSSummit and Kubecon
I’ll be giving talks at ContainerCon (part of OSSummit EU) and Observability Day (KubeCon NA) about log collection best practices in multi-tenant Kubernetes environments and the Telemetry Controller
AxoRouter, the security data curation pipeline engine
Most network appliances send improperly formatted log messages. AxoRouter automatically identifies your log sources, and fixes common errors in the incoming data, correcting missing hostnames, invalid timestamps, formatting errors, and so on. Don’t spend time creating and maintaining rules or trying to fix processing bottlenecks.
Using Telemetry Controller with Logging Operator
The Telemetry Controller turns telemetry event streams – logs, metrics, and traces – into Kubernetes resources. It provides a multi-tenant API on top of OpenTelemetry for isolation and access control for telemetry data.
Troubleshooting syslog errors with log tapping
Log tapping samples the log flow of your security data pipeline on demand. You can use labels to filter for specific messages and tap only those messages. You can investigate problematic events with a few clicks.
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