On-demand Webinar
Director of SE Axoflow, co-creator SC4S
VP of Sales and co-founder Axoflow

Solve the Malformed Message Madness!

44 minutes


Why attend?

We all agree on the importance of high quality data. But most security engineers struggle with the ‘how’ part, as it usually means manual, code-heavy data wrangling; oftentimes without the right tools in place.

One of the key data quality issues is malformed messages that arrive at the SIEM – often even well-known commercial products fail to send properly formatted messages. This problem is particularly acute for devices using the syslog protocol, which continues to be a standard in the security and network ops space. If you are in the syslog engineering space, you already know the levels of complexity to which this can lead.

Join Neil Boyd and Mark Bonsack for a unique deep-dive on how the Axoflow Platform identifies malformed messages in real-time, helps you correct those data issues, and verify they are working properly.

Questions we’ll cover

  1. Is the data source sending broken messages, or is the syslog server applying a broken parsing rule to the data?
  2. Is all the data from that source malformed, or only a particular message type?
  3. And how do you find out about it?
  4. And more importantly: how can you fix it?

Who is this webinar for?

  • SOC Content Management or Detection Engineers
  • Information security or cyber security architects
  • Security- and log management engineers
  • SREs, DevOps, DevSecOps engineers and developers




Director of SE Axoflow, co-creator SC4S

Mark is leading Axoflow’s Sales Engineering team helping customers solve their logging challenges. He is also the co-creator for SC4S (Splunk Connect for Syslog) used by thousands of Splunk customers for optimal syslog data ingestion.



VP of Sales and co-founder Axoflow

Neil has focused on solving large scale data and network projects and was responsible for the commercial sales of syslog-ng in the US for more than 8 years.