Logging operator 4.8 has arrived with routing based on namespace labels for multi-tenant scenarios, and other exciting features!
Logging operator 4.7 release
Logging operator 4.7 release comes with protected ClusterOutputs, disk buffer improvements, and more!
Logging operator, Telemetry Controller, Axoflow: KubeCon FAQ
A recap of the most frequent questions, use cases, and problems you’ve asked us at KubeCon Europe 2024, and how Logging operator, Telemetry Controller, and Axoflow relate to these
Kubernetes namespace labels in Fluent Bit 3.0 bring multi-tenant routing to the edge
Logging operator 4.6 includes hot Fluent Bit configuration reload, log message enrichment with Kubernetes namespace labels, and new VMware outputs
Log Isolation on Shared Kubernetes Infrastructure
How to solve hard and soft multi-tenancy scenarios in Kubernetes using the Logging operator and the Telemetry controller
Multi-tenancy using Logging operator
Solving logging in multi-tenant scenarios in Kubernetes is not always easy. Here is how Logging operator can help you.
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