Creating usable log messages: log timestamps

Creating usable log messages: log timestamps

While the timestamp is probably the most trivial thing a log message needs to have, it’s surprising how many different ways the use of a timestamp can go wrong in a log output. In the Creating usable logs series, we discuss the different aspects and essential elements...
Creating usable log messages: log levels

Creating usable log messages: log levels

Learn how to create usable log messages from our blog post series covering topics like log levels, using timestamps, and formatting log messages. Logging is a critical aspect of application development, providing invaluable insights into an application’s...
Scaling syslog to 1M EPS with eBPF

Scaling syslog to 1M EPS with eBPF

This article shows you how to parallelize syslog processing to reach message rates in the millions per second range. In our recent articles, we’ve discussed why organizations are still using UDP based transports for syslog and the message loss problem that inherently...

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