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Orphan disk-buffer files


This section describes orphan disk-buffer files used in AxoSyslog.

Orphan disk-buffer files

In certain situations (for example, after modifying the disk-buffer configuration or losing the persist information), AxoSyslog creates a new disk-buffer file instead of using the already existing one. In these situations, the already existing disk-buffer file becomes a so-called orphan disk-buffer file.

Discovering the new disk-buffer files (orphan disk-buffer files)

To discover orphan disk-buffer files, get the list of disk-buffer files from the persist file, then compare the list with the contents of the disk-buffer files’ saving directory.

For more information about how you can get the list of disk-buffer files from the persist file, see Getting the list of disk-buffer files).

Example: difference between the list of disk-buffer files from the persist file and the content of the disk-buffer files’ saving directory

The following examples show the difference between the list of disk-buffer files from the persist file and the content of the disk-buffer files’ saving directory.

Disk-buffer file list from persist file:

   afsocket_dd_qfile(stream, = { "queue_file": "/opt/syslog-ng/var/syslog-ng-00001.rqf" }

Disk-buffer files’ saving directory content:

   # ls -l /opt/syslog-ng/var//var/lib/syslog-ng/*qf
    -rw------- 1 root root 2986780 Jul 31 12:30 /opt/syslog-ng/var/syslog-ng-00000.qf/var/lib/syslog-ng/syslog-ng-00000.qf
    -rw------- 1 root root 2000080 Jul 31 12:31 /opt/syslog-ng/var/syslog-ng-00000.rqf
    -rw------- 1 root root    4096 Aug  1 11:09 /opt/syslog-ng/var/syslog-ng-00001.rqf

The disk-buffer files syslog-ng-00000.qf and syslog-ng-00000.rqf don’t exist in the persist file. These two files are the orphan disk-buffer files.

For more information about orphan disk-buffer files and how to process the messages in orphan disk-buffer files using a separate AxoSyslog instance, see Process orphan disk-buffer files.